Linn County Youth Livestock Auction Rules
1. All members participating in the Linn County Youth Livestock Auction are subject to 4-H and FFA policies, rules, and guidelines.
2. All 4-H & FFA market animal projects will be eligible for the market animal auction if they meet the requirements of the market animal program as follows:
a. Market animals being sold must meet the LCYLA weight requirements.
b. Beef, sheep, swine and goats must be ear tagged prior to coming onto the scale at the final weigh in. All animals eligible for the sale must be weighed and the weight recorded by the Weigh Master at the final weigh in.
c. A Market Health Form stating dates and names of all vaccinations and medicated feeds must be completed and turned in at the scale for final weigh-in. (available on the Linn County Extension Website and on our website under the Forms page)
d. Due to the 2019-2020 trade agreement restrictions between the United States and China, the domestic packers which purchase the market swine at the Linn County Youth Livestock Auction WILL NOT accept any hogs who have been fed the feed additive Ractopamine. This additive is commonly known under other product names such as Paylean.
e. Animals meeting all the above requirements will be placed in special market classes by weight. White ribbon animals will not be sold.
3. All animals will be sold by the pound, except for chickens and rabbits.
4. No re-weighs on all market animals except to re-zero scale.
5. Each 4-H & FFA member is eligible to sell only one market animal. (Pen of three chickens or pen of three rabbits is considered one market animals)
a) All Grand and Reserve Grand Champion Animals MUST sell in the auction. If a member has multiple champions or reserve champions, they member MUST sell all.
6. The conformation quality group and weight of each animal will appear in the sale catalog.
7. Ownership of the auctioned animal changes at the time the auctioneer cries “Sold”; however, the member retains responsibility and care for the animal until it is transported off the grounds.
8. A 6% sale commission will be charged to cover sale expenses.
9. Every member will be given an Auction Sale Card. It will be the exhibitor’s responsibility to turn in the card for the market animal they want to sell in the auction. Auction Sale Card must be turned in to the auction committee no later than 6pm Wednesday morning.
10. All animals printed in the final sale catalog must sell in the auction.
11. This is a Terminal sale. All animals that are sold through the auction must go to an approved harvest facility or resale buyer.
12. Members will sell their own project animals in the auction except when there is an emergency or extreme circumstance preventing them from doing so. Those will be addressed on a case-by-case basis. A written request for waiver must be presented to the auction committee for an accommodation to be made.
13. Total lots sold will be determined by the LCYLA committee prior to the fair.
14. The sale order within species will be determined by order: champion, reserve champion, blue and red. The judge will place champion drive in all species in sale order and donation animal will follow.
15. Members will be paid when the Auction Committee receives enough funds to cover the gross sales of the auction.
16. Thank you notes must be turned in at weigh-in. Anyone missing an approved thank you note will not be allowed to weigh-in at fair.
17. Checks must be cashed within 6-months or money will revert to the Linn County Youth Livestock Auction fund.
18. The auction committee reserves the right to test any animal for drug residues or for any form of tampering. If an animal is condemned in the slaughter process (because of disease, etc.), it is the seller's (4-H/FFA member) responsibility to absorb the loss.
19. The auction committee shall not be held liable for uncollectible accounts.
20. Donation animals must meet the above requirements to sell the auction.
21. The operation of this sale is an effort of the Linn County Youth Livestock Auction Committee.
· Linn County Youth Livestock Action Weight Requirements:
o Swine 220 to 300lbs.
o Beef 1000 to 1500lbs.
o Sheep 110 lbs. to 160lbs.
o Goats 60 lbs. to 110lbs.
o Chickens 5 to 9lbs. (pen of 3) as per the fair book rules
o Rabbit 4.5 to 6 lbs. (pen of3)
o Turkey 13-25 lbs.