weight changes for 2025 fair
This fall, the Auction Committee met with the superintendents to revise the market weights for fair 2025. We spoke with our resale buyers, processors, and local feed lots to get their input as well. We feel that these changes will help to provide a better quality product for our buyers.
Beef – Must gain a minimum of 300 pounds (approx. 2 pounds average daily gain) from February weigh-in to fair weigh-in. Cattle must weigh between 1000 – 1600 pounds at fair weigh-in to be eligible for auction.
Goats – Must gain a minimum of 12 pounds (approx 1/5-pound average daily gain) between the May weigh-in and fair weigh-in. Goats must weigh between 60-105 pounds to be eligible for auction.
Lambs – Must gain a minimum of 20 pounds (approx 1/3-pound average daily gain) between the May weigh-in and fair weigh-in. Lambs must weigh between 120-165 pounds to be eligible for auction.
Swine - Must gain a minimum of 80 pounds (approx 1.25 pounds average daily gain) between the May weigh-in and fair weigh-in. Pigs must weigh between 230-300 pounds to be eligible for auction.
Chickens –Fast-Growth Broiler- 6-9 pounds. Slow-Growth broiler – 5-9 pounds
Turkeys – Broad-Breasted Tom: 20 – 40#. Broad-Breasted Hen: 15-40#. Heritage Turkey Tom: 20-40#. Heritage Turkey Hen: 15-40#.
Rabbits – 4-7 pounds.